Lateral Transfer

The transfer application and evaluation calendar is published in the announcement published on the web pages of our University and the Directorate of Student Affairs.

You can find the application and evaluation conditions for lateral transfer on the announcement page or from the directive on the Legislation page under the Institutional menu on our website.

  • Intra-institutional transfer: Transfer of our university students to other diploma programmes at the same level. Only students of our university can apply.
  • Lateral transfer between institutions: Transfer from a university, institute of high technology or vocational schools established by foundations without being affiliated to a university to an equivalent faculty, school or department at Ondokuz Mayıs University. Students studying at different institutions can apply.
  • Additional Article-1 horizontal transfer: Transfer with the OSYM exam scores received in the year you settled in your home university. Both other university students and students of our university can apply.

For transfer applications to be made within the scope of Additional Article-1, there is no success requirement if the student's central placement score in the year of the enrollment is equal to or higher than the base score of the program they want to transfer. Detailed information and other conditions are included in the "Fall and Spring Semester Additional Article 1 Application Principles" published on the Council of Higher Education website.

In order to apply for inter-institutional lateral transfer, the GPA of the semesters completed in the program in which the student is enrolled must be at least 60 out of 100 or 2.00 out of 4 for associate degree programs; 70 out of 100 or 2.50 out of 4 for undergraduate programs, and 70 out of 100 or 2.91 out of 4 for Faculty of Medicine students.

Başvuru için sisteme yüklenecek evraklar yapılan duyuruda ilan edilmektedir. Başvuru yapacağınız dönem yayınlanan duyuruyu inceleyerek gerekli evrakları öğrenebilirsiniz.

You will face no problem if you have the right to enroll in our university by transfer but do not register. If you do not register at the end of the specified period, you can continue your education at the university where you are registered.

Hazırlık sınıfı okuyan ve Ek Madde-1 kapsamında merkezi yerleştirme puanı ile yatay geçiş başvurusu yapmak isteyen adaylar, transkriptleri olmadan da başvuru yapabilirler. Ek Madde-1 kapsamında yapılan yatay geçiş başvurularında öğrencinin GANO'su değerlendirme aşamasında etkili değildir.

You will face no problem if you have the right to enroll in our university by transfer but do not register. If you do not register at the end of the specified period, you can continue your education at the university where you are registered.

You will face no problem if you have the right to enroll in our university by transfer but do not register. If you do not register at the end of the specified period, you can continue your education at the university where you are registered.

You will face no problem if you have the right to enroll in our university by transfer but do not register. If you do not register at the end of the specified period, you can continue your education at the university where you are registered.

Kontenjan tablosunda yabancı uyruklu öğrenci kontenjanı bulunan programlara yatay geçiş başvurusu yapabilirsiniz.

Yurt dışı öğrenci kontenjanı olduğu belirtilen programlara yatay geçiş başvurusu yapabilirsiniz.