ECTS Credit System

ECTS credit is a numerical value (between 1 and 60) that indicates the student workload required to complete course units. This value indicates the workload required by each course within the annual academic study at an institution. This workload includes practical studies, seminars, field studies, individual studies, exams, etc., within the scope of the course in an academic year.

Yes. All higher education institutions in Turkiye are obliged to apply the ECTS system.

The ECTS value of a course is defined by calculating the workload of that course. For example, the calculation of the ECTS value for a 2-credit course would be the following: For a 2-hour and 14-week course; 28 hours of class attendance, 1 hour of midterm, 1 hour of final exam, 6 hours of exam preparation and 14 hours of lectures and homework imposes a 50-hour workload on the student. 50 hours of workload constitutes a value of 2 ECTS.

The courses you can take in a semester are limited to 30 ECTS due to the workload that the courses you will take will impose on you. Considering that 1 ECTS consists of 25 hours of workload, the student faces 30x25= 750 hours of workload in a semester. This requires the student to work 8 hours a day. As evident from the example, a limitation has been made by considering how many hours of workload the student can undertake daily.

5 (ı) dersleri dışında, dört yıllık öğretim programları 240 AKTS, beş yıllık öğretim programları 300 AKTS, altı yıllık öğretim programları 360 AKTS ve meslek yüksekokulu programları ise 120 AKTS kredisi olarak almanız gerekir.